SAVE remove infant alien/invasive aquatic weed from the Vaal Barrage
Lesotho Highlands Water Project & RSA Water Supply Challenges. A presentation to the Windknot Club on 27/09/2024 by Leon Tromp, an independent bulk water consultant
Using a head-start conservation intervention to boost spawning numbers of the endangered Clanwilliam sandfish
'Save the Vaal Environment' welcomes order directing prevention of Vaal River Pollution. – 28 June 2023
Saving Sandfish Project Update: September 2022
South Africa's sandfish are on the brink of extinction: how farmers are helping rescue them
South Africa’s once-abundant yellowfish are being wiped out by acid water, sewage and invasive species
Acid mine spill in Mpumalanga will take years to fix by Ed Herbst
Fynbos Fish Trust Survey in 2021/22 of the Doring River tributaries
Doring River fish population in trouble Nov. 2021
Saving the Sandfish Episode 4. The Quest for Spawning (3Mb)
African Swimways Webinar – 05 November 2021 (3Mb)
Saving sandfish project: update Sept. 2021 (2Mb)
Scoping Study on the Development & Sustainable Utilisation of Inland Fisheries in South Africa – Volume 1 (19Mb)
Scoping Study on the Development & Sustainable Utilisation of Inland Fisheries in South Africa – Volume 2 (4.5Mb)
Annual Fish Passage Conference 2021
Water lettuce – a new threat to the Vaal (662Kb)
SAHRC's final report into the sewage problem of the Vaal River (3mb)
Name changes & additions to the Southern African freshwater fish fauna – P.H. Skelton Aug. 2016. (543Kb)
Largemouth yellowfish capture statistics – Vanderkloof Dam experimental fishery (3Mb)
SAVE newsletter May 2020-misleading media reports on Vaal pollution (500kb)
As you may have heard World Fish Migration Day 2020 is postponed to October 24th, however we would still like to celebrate in May. So WFMD team came up with a great idea to have a 24hour webinar on the 14th May. This means that there will be presentations from every continent “following the sun – starting in New Zealand and ending in North America. This also includes a special session for Africa!! Below is the invitation and link to the webinar marathon.

Hope that you will be able to make it: Global Swimways Webinar Marathon
Sandfish: Project update 15 March 2020 - Jeremy Shelton (4Mb)
Sandfish: Project update 18 Nov. 2019 - Jeremy Shelton (20Mb)
FOSAF comments on the 2nd draft National Freshwater (Inland) Wild Capture Policy - Sept. 2019 (305Kb)
The Anthropocene and the hydrosphere - A case study of sanitation governance in the Emfuleni Local Municipality (2018-2019) (4Mb)
The Msunduzi River Disaster (August 2019) - Comment by Dr Gordon O'Brien (44Kb)
The use of gill nets in Vanderkloof Dam (26Kb)
Experimental Fishery at Vanderkloof Dam December 2018 by Dr Aidan Wood on behalf of SACRAA (220Kb)
Summary of Water Related Challenges in the RSA - Mariette Liefferink of FSE (491Kb)
Statement on the VDK Dam experimental fishery (37.6Kb)
Krom River: Rotenone WUA Feb 2017 (1.3Mb)
Smallmouth yellowfish in Free State dams - Leon Barkhuizen (1.2Mb)
A qualitative and quantitative analysis of historic commercial fisheries in the Free State Province in South Africa - LM Barkhuizen1, OLF Weyl, & JG van As (646Kb)
SA Swimway Programme (272Kb)
Rondegat River Rehab. Project - articles relating to
Angling rules applicable to the Free State province (783Kb)
Fines applicable to the Free State province - Sotho (813Kb)
Vanderkloof Dam Motivation for gillnet exclusion - March 2015 (156Kb)
Vanderkloof Dam EMP 3rd draft (2.2Mb)
Vanderkloof Dam Minutes FMP meeting 2. Record of decisions. March 2015 (114Kb)
SACRAA's response (Dr Aidan Wood) to the presentation by Mr Q.Rouhani at the Vanderkloof Dam on 12/12/2014 (357Kb)
SACRAA's response (Dr Aidan Wood) to the presentation by Mr Q.Rouhani at the Vanderkloof Dam on 12/12/2014 (357Kb)
SACRAA's response (Dr Aidan Wood) to the presentation by Mr Q.Rouhani at the Vanderkloof Dam on 12/12/2014 (357Kb)
Restoration of native fishes in the lower Rondegat River after alien fish eradication: Overview of a successful conservation intervention - Darragh Woodford (77Kb)
Orange Vaal River Yellowfish Conservation & Management Association - Newsletter No. 4. (692Kb)
Orange Vaal River Yellowfish Conservation & Management Association - Newsletter No 3. (128Kb)
The behavioural ecology of the Orange-Vaal yellowfish in lentic & lotic ecosystems, NW Province. (11Mb)
13 W. Cape priority rivers for alien fish eradication - May 2013 (3.39Mb)
W. Cape priority rivers for alien fish eradication. Workshop minutes May 2013 (3.39Mb)
Orange Vaal River Yellowfish Conservation and Management Association - Newsletter No. 1, August 2012 (363Kb)
Minutes of a yellowfish meeting held at Sterkfontein Dam in July 2012 (107Kb)
Biology & ecology of the Orange-Vaal Largemouth & Smallmouth yellowfishes
Assessment of influence of multiple stressors on Vaal (2.13Mb)
Risk Assessment of threats to Vaal yellowfish (644Kb)
Stocking Yellowfish: YWG Policy Statement June 2010 (19Kb)
Catch & Release guidelines for yellowfish anglers (17Kb)
Guide to Sterkfontein Dam
Sustainable Yellowfishing Pamphlet
Economic value of Vaal Yellowfishes (2009) (472Kb)
Labeobarbus polylepis study (2009) (2.2Mb)
Vaal River Yellowfish Behavioural Study (2009) (23Mb)
Potential species for conservation: Bloubankspruit (1.4Mb)
Importance of Yellowfish: Quest article (2006) (1.5Mb)
Largemouth Yellowfish Presentation: 2007 (5.9Mb)
Orange Vaal Pilot Study 2002/3
Orange Vaal follow up study report February 24 2007
State of the Yellowfishes in SA Reports
YWG Conference Proceedings 2015 (10,4Mb)
YWG Conference Proceedings 2014 (3.13Mb)
YWG Conference Proceedings 2013 (3.45Mb)
YWG Conference Proceedings 2012 (3.13Mb)
YWG Conference Proceedings 2011 (4.0Mb)
YWG Conference Proceedings 2010 (3.8Mb)
YWG Conference Proceedings 2009 (3.3Mb)
YWG Conference Proceedings 2008 (2.2Mb)
YWG Conference Proceedings 2007 (1.5Mb)
YWG Conference Proceedings 2006 (6.5Mb)
YWG Conference Proceedings 2005 (68Kb)
YWG Conference Proceedings 2004 (1.6Mb)
YWG Conference Proceedings 2003 (76Kb)