Flyfishing report: Yellowfish - Middle Vaal

Date of Report: Tuesday, 7th January 2025
Name: Chris Williams
Phone: 071 565 1688

Once again, we are indebted to Collin Hyman of the Windknot Club for the following.

“Together with a youngster, Urich Bosch we went to Wag-ń-Bietjie Farm (on the Vaal River near Orkney) last Saturday and had a great time. Urich caught 6 Smallmouth Yellowish and 1 Muddy. Below is a 3kg Yellowish caught by Urich. I caught 6 Yellowish, 11 of the 13 fish were caught on the fly shown below- it's #16, which I created many years ago. I've never bothered to name it. Flow rate was about 30 cusecs with visibility at about 30cm”

Since Saturday heavy rains have fallen over the catchment below Vaal dam, and we expect the river from the Barrage downstream to be unfishable for some time.


3kg smallmouth


Collin’s no name fly