Many people have responded to the request that they write to DEA requesting outstanding information related to the proposed amendments to the AIS Lists and Regulations published on 16 February 2018. For this we are extremely grateful.
In response to such requests for information, DEA has replied with emails purporting to provide the information requested. However, many people are patently unhappy with or puzzled by the lack of detailed information provided by DEA. What has been provided does not answer the questions posed, is grossly inadequate and does not comply with section 100 (2) (b) which reads “The notice must- … contain sufficient information to enable members of the public to submit meaningful representations or objections.”
Not only are the replies vague and insufficient, they also make reference to documents and reports none of which are supplied. As such none of the answers provide the degree of sufficiency to enable the public to make meaningful representations or objections.
FOSAF has prepared a draft letter to DEA’s Minister requesting that the Notices be withdrawn so that they can be corrected in line with the issues we have raised, failing which litigation may ensue.
We are building a coalition of stakeholders to support this approach.
Once the letter has been sent to the Minister (this should be during next week) a copy will be available on FOSAF’s website and Facebook page. We encourage you to send emails and letters expressing your support for this request to the Minister.
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